How Strong is your Safety Culture?

How important is recognizing the strength of a comprehensive safety culture in  your company?

safety culture breakout sessionFor many years, a lot companies viewed safety programs as an inconvenience or a “tax” that had to be tolerated. Fortunately, due to the ongoing efforts of progressive corporate leadership, successful companies have begun to recognize the importance of leadership commitment, employee engagement, effective communications, and other key safety culture attributes.

In turn, this can directly impact the financial bottom line. In other words, an effective safety culture “pays” for itself through increased safety, enhanced productivity, and reduced attrition.

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Mike Kinney
Experienced in various facets of safety and mechanical engineering, including over 30 years experience addressing commercial nuclear power and/or Department of Energy (DOE) facility programs.
Mike Kinney

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I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.

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