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Techniques to Reduce Potential Exposure to the COVID-19

covid-19 featured imageOver the last few weeks, I have had a series of conversations with my clients and colleagues regarding the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). While some insight has been gained, there is still a lot to be learned. This includes the vulnerability of COVID-19 at elevated temperatures, similar to the more commonly encountered influenzas (e.g., the Flu), which wane after the Winter season.

A lot of information is being published regarding COVID-19, including the World Health Organization (WHO) declaring a Pandemic Alert on March 11, 2020. While this type of alert can assist with enhancing awareness of the need for countries to take additional measures to protect their citizens, here are few tips that can assist you, your family, as well as your employees with reducing potential exposure to COVID-19. Note: these techniques are based upon input from both the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the WHO.

Frequently wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soapy warm water. The soap suspends bacterial material from your skin, with the water washing the combination down the drain. While this may sound overly simplistic, it truly one on the most effective methods. If soap and water are not readily available, use your preferred hand sanitizer.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands. The mucous membranes in these areas can serve as a transport mechanism for COVID-19 to enter your system.

Avoid close contact with individuals who are ill. In other words, treat the COVID-19 the same way as other communicable infections or diseases. A good rule of thumb is to maintain at least six feet from individuals who are exhibiting symptoms.

Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Discard the used tissue in a waste container or trash can. Wash your hands as soon as you can.

Drink fluids, the more frequently the better. In addition to helping to maintain overall wellbeing, drinking fluids helps avoid your mouth becoming dry. In turn, this reduces the potential for COVID-19 being introduced into your system.

Remain at home when you are sick. In addition to accelerating your recovery, it reduces the potential for COVID-19 to be spread to your co-workers.

If you need to leave your home while sick, wear a facemask. This reduces the potential for you to spread COVID-19 to others.

On a daily basis, clean and disinfect surfaces in the workplace that are touched frequently. Examples include doorknobs, light switches, phones, desks, faucets, kitchen areas, etc.

Again, some of these techniques may sound very basic or simple, but they can prove to be very effective. In addition, these techniques are easy to implement and continue using. To summarize: wash your hands, remain home when you are sick, and cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. Finally, keep an eye out for each other and be your brothers/sister’s keeper.

Mike Kinney
Experienced in various facets of safety and mechanical engineering, including over 30 years experience addressing commercial nuclear power and/or Department of Energy (DOE) facility programs.
Mike Kinney

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